REVIVE THE REGENT theatre mudgee INC.
We believe Mudgee's Regent Theatre can operate as a entertainment and cultural venue and we support further investigation into a feasibility study, much like how the owners of Montreal Theatre worked to revive their heritage theatre.
Montreal Theatre Tumut
In 1993 the building was put on the market. Faced with the likely loss of a building that had been an integral part of the town for so long, a group of concerned citizens formed a steering committee to see what could be done. A building inspector pronounced the building in ‘good sound serviceable condition’ but there was no equipment, sound system or heating. It was badly in need of repainting, replumbing and rewiring.
With the encouragement of the owners, the Learmont family, and a grant from the locally administered Blakeney Millar Trust Foundation, a 2 year feasibility study was undertaken to decide whether the Montreal could be run by volunteers as a picture theatre and community venue. Advice was sought; sound systems scrounged and two vintage carbon-arc projectors came from the demolished Hay Majestic. Volunteers worked day and night to repaint and clean the theatre.